Tuesday, October 29, 2013


“To exist you need to have an ideology” – Alan Greenspan To Henry Waxman

I happen subscribe to the Aristotelian “Tabula Rasa” of human nature, as such I tend to believe that people are not good or bad, but rather victims of circumstance. I do not believe that individuals set themselves out to commit fraud, steal from others or become criminals in some other way, but circumstances push them to do so. The question then becomes does one have the will power, the character, or even the capacity to set themselves upright again.

With the above as an introductory foundation for what is to follow. Fraud is still a fraud, despite any original intentions. All too often victims of crimes remain silent out of embarrassment, or fear, or any other number of natural human emotions. And then of course of the flip side there are those who are only too happy to share their experiences publicly in the hope that others will not fall victim themselves.

So, while I on the one hand I would very much like to have the money that was wrongfully misappropriated and then invested in a very dark grey market security (or so I’ve been told) returned to me – I also need to be a realist and assume that the money is gone and do my civic duty and speak out against those who are at fault.
This will be an interesting tale to follow it’s a tangled web that crosses many borders – from the Florida, to Belize, to the Turks and Caicos, Canada, London, New Zealand, Peru!!! Seriously…

Tracing all of this crap has been fun and is worthy of a Carson Block, Citron Research or dare I even say Propublica (unlikely) they did a good job tracking the Magnetar deal, maybe they can give me some pointers on what exactly Questus is?

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